Blue-footed Booby courtship dance, Punta Pitt Blue-footed Booby courtship, Isla Lobos Blue-footed Booby on egg, North Seymour Abandoned egg, North Seymour Blue-footed Booby chick awaiting parents, North Seymour Dead Blue-footed Booby chick with adult, North Seymour Begging for food, Punta Pitt Blue-footed Booby chicks, older and larger one at right Blue-footed Booby, Punta Pitt Blue-footed Booby adult and young, North Seymour Blue-footed Booby chick, Punta Pitt Blue-footed Booby landing, Punta Cormorant Red-footed Booby, Punta Pitt Young Red-footed Booby, Punta Pitt Young Blue-footed Booby, Punta Pitt Young Blue-footed Booby, throwing and catching small stones and twigs Young Blue-footed Booby wanders too close to an adult with chick, and is driven away Blue-footed Booby diving, Bartolomé Blue-footed Booby diving, Punta Cormorant Blue-footed Booby diving, Punta Cormorant Farne Islands PuffinsGuyana